Biomass production



Many years of experience, Polish capital, modern technology.

The company was founded in 1992. Today, it is a leading producer of biomass for energy purposes in Poland.
Extensive experience in the wood industry and the latest production technology allow us to offer the highest quality services for the heat and power energy sector.
Based on our knowledge and technology, we use the full potential of renewable energy sources to ensure a stable supply of biomass to our customers.
In addition to the production of biomass, Quercus provides services in the field of shredding wood materials, clearance of trees and shrubs, restoration of land to agricultural culture, repair and regeneration of machines and painting services.
We know how important it is to develop in a modern enterprise, therefore we are constantly working to increase not only the quality of our services but also their scope

A few facts about biomass
Biomass is a natural, renewable and easily accessible source of energy.
It emits much less sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and carbon oxide than other sources of energy.
It emits much less sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and carbon oxide than other sources of energy.
It is one of the most stable renewable energy sources.


The plant of Quercus consists of the state-of-the-art machines and equipment designated to produce biomass. Owing to three professional production lines, we can process forest residues in the form of chips or ballots. In addition, we process wood processing industry by-products in the form of chips.

Quercus in Figures

This is how many tons of wood chips we produced while you are visiting our website.


Dostawa biomasy na cele energetyczne

Deliveries of biomass for energy

The production and deliveries of biomass of superior quality are the core business of Quercus.
To fully meet conditions that prevail in areas where our work is carried out, we operate three highly specialised production lines. The first is the line for balloting logging residues, including a modern slash bundlers of exceptional performance, equal to that achieved in the Scandinavia. The second line consists modern mobile wood chippers. Last but not least, the third line comprises fast-revolving recyclers. We use slow-revolving shredders with a sieving station for the most demanding sorts of timber products.
Dostawa zrębki przemysłowej

Deliveries of industrial chips

We operate a modern machine fleet, which includes devices designed both for the production of solid fuel in the form of chips from softwood and hardwood as well as chips designated for producing chipboard and wood-based panels.

A detailed order specification depends always on the type of applied material and machines used in it production. We always make sure to tailor-make our products, by offering solutions that fulfil expectations of our clients. Therefore, before we fulfil any orders, we present several customised wood biomass variants that we can supply regularly throughout the year, in quantities up to 2,000 tonnes per week.

Dostawa zrębki przemysłowej
Rozdrobnienie drewna i gabarytów

The service of shredding timber / large size recycling

Owing to the highly specialised production technology and its technical back-up facilities, Quercus offers also services of shredding biomass or recycling and its deliveries to sites indicated by a Client.

Modern equipment that is selected individually for every order and is characterised by unique performance, warrants the highest accuracy of the process. Our rich experience and qualified team provide the timely and professional deliveries.



For more details, please contact:

Waldemar Sieniawski

mob: +48 692 492 556

Paweł Stachowicz

mob: +48 668 012 892